Public Announcement Regarding Draft Documents on Standard Contractual Clauses and Binding Corporate Rules

As is known, the eleventh paragraph of Article 9 titled "Transfer of Personal Data Abroad" of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended by Law No. 7499 on the Amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law and Certain Laws, which will come into force on 1/6/2024, stipulates that the procedures and principles regarding the implementation of this article will be regulated by a regulation. In this context, the Draft Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Transfer of Personal Data Abroad was prepared by the Authority and submitted for public consultation on 9/5/2024.

This time, with the Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board dated 16/5/2024 and numbered 2024/763, it has been decided to open the draft documents regarding the standard contractual clauses and binding corporate rules, which are envisaged as methods of providing appropriate assurances for the transfer of personal data abroad under the fourth paragraph of the mentioned article, for public consultation.

The draft texts have been published to gather public opinions and thoughts on this matter. The relevant documents can be accessed via the links below: